4. What do you think about the advertising of alcohol?
As I said in question number three, the advertising of beer and many other kinds of alcohol has a strong effect on people under the drinking age. They would at least have interest in drinking. Even though at the last scene of the commercials, it would have the warning that drinking in Japan would be over the age of twenty, but I think that appeal is too weak.
5. Do you know what happens when you are caught drinking under the drinking?
I would like to give an example of the state law in Texas. If a person is caught with alcohol under the legal drinking age, you would face severla penalties:
・a 500 dollar fine
・a 30-180 day suspension from driving
・8-40 hours of community service
・Alcohol awareness class
If you get caught more than once, your penalties would also lengthen and your fine will be four times the amount you paid for the first time.
For underage drink and drive, there would be more penalties added to this.
・20-40 hours of community service
・3-180 days in jail
・Alcohol awareness class
Underage Drinking. Retrieved from http://www.txdot.gov/driver/sober-safe/underage-drinking.html
6. What can we do to prevent young people from drinking?
There are many ways we could prevent young people from drinking underage. For example, by holding sessions and classes about underage drinking, teacher training and supporting them, connecting with the community, and intensive programs may work in the education for young students. For parents and families, watching over the child, providing discipline and rulemaking is an essential way to prevent underage drinking. Studies show that for students without adult supervision after school have much higher rates in using alcohol and drugs. Peer programs are also put into practice. In this program, they teach refusal skills, other activities more attractive than drug use, and life skills training.
"Stratgies to Prevent Underage Drinking." Web. <http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh26-1/5-14.htm>.
7. What are the positive effects of drinking?
There is nothing so bad about drinking alcohol if you were to keep control. There are positive effects of drinking as well as the negative effects. With the moderate amount of alcohol, it can prevent cardiovascular diseases. It will prevent blood clot formations in the heart, neck, and brain. It could also lengthen your life, as a result. Drinking less than four or two drinks per day can reduce the death rate by 18 percent. Spanish researchers found that drinking eight to fourteen glasses of wine each week can prevent a common cold. About 60 percent decrease was seen in the risk of developing a cold. It can also prevent two kinds of diabetes. However, as the research shows, this must be a MODERATE amount of alcohol, and too much can cause more damage to your body than good.
7 Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol. Retrieved July 23, 2015, from http://www.medicaldaily.com/7-health-benefits-drinking-alcohol-247552
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