Hello, my name is Alice and I'm 20. Recently, me and my mother had a fight about my under age drinking. I know that the legal drinking age is 21, but I don't understand the difference! I mean, it is true that I am still 20, but within 2 months I will become 21. It doesn't make much difference. I wonder why the legal drinking age is so strict in America. Why are for example Japanese people able to drink at the age of 20? They are much smaller than Americans. This is not fair.
Well, to tell the truth, it is not that I like to drink alcohol. I drink it because all my friends do. And if I don't drink it, they will laugh at me and they won't accept me in the group anymore. I have to act like I didn't really care about the law. All my friends think that unders\-age-drinking is cool. I can't understand why but anyways, breaking the law is much better than being alone all the time.
Of course, we are the one who break the law and drink alcohol under age,but I think that under age drinking problem is not only our fault. Adults are responsible the same, too. Or even more. I mean, when I entered a bar that day with my under aged friends, the clerk didn't even do the age-varification. The case was the same on other day in supermarket, when I brought alcohol to the counter. The employee didn't require to show him my identification card. In my opinion, adults should rethink about that problem. If they don't sell us alcohol, we are consequently not able to drink it.
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